Re: [AD] HackDay June 7

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On Jun 1, 2008, at 6:04 PM, Ryan Dickie wrote:
The only topic so far is the naturaldocs. I know we've been meaning to
change for a while and I would love to know what the situation is so i
can start documenting the audio stuff.

There must surely be other topics people are interested in!?

Draw up a detailed timetable for Allegro 5.0, based on a releasedate of April 1st 2009 (a lot closer now than it was a few months ago!), which means things need to be in deep feature freeze no later than March, which probably means things need to be more or less "done" at or after Christmas. Remember: release means feature complete, well documented and having been through rigorous testing on various platforms and hardware, with show stopping bugs fixed well in advance. April 1st is far away, but all these things take a lot of time (usually more than you think they will). As usual, I will probably not be able to make it to the meeting, but that's ok: you seem to be doing very well without me. ;)


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