Re: [AD] Releases and OS X

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I just started out with a clean checkout. I'm running leopard (10.5) on a g4 ibook.

I get several errors in osxgl.m:
error: 'struct ALLEGRO_DISPLAY_OSX_WIN' has no member named 'display_group'
line 396,404,437, 546


On Sun, Apr 20, 2008 at 2:28 PM, Peter Hull <peterhull90@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
There was a plan to make a release this weekend, IIRC. On the Mac
side, it's working for me but I don't think anyone else has been able
to build it yet. Can anyone with a Mac please try; the SVN is now
up-to-date with my copy. Only the XCode project works as I have not
been able to master scons or cmake yet.

Hopefully someone else will be able to build it or let me know of any
problems and I can fix them.


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