Re: [AD] macro namespaces

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On Sun, February 24, 2008 2:31 am, Milan Mimica said:
> You can check if include/allegro5/platform/alplatf.h defines
> (or ALLEGRO_CFG_OPENGL after the commit I just did). If it does then
> it
> is cmake configuration fault.

It was my mistake, I was using "WANT_OGL". It doesn't compile though
if I use the proper name. See my last post to the list.

> I've seen this error before. It happens with recent gcc. If you
> replace
> GLvoid with void it will compile. Other GLtypes work fine. I can't
> think
> of anything else but this being a gcc bug, but they wouldn't make
> such a
> stupid bug.

Is it ok then to change it to void for good?


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