Re: [AD] Global variables vs. Access functions

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On Sat, 2008-01-26 at 17:03 +0100, Guillermo Martínez Jiménez wrote:
> Hi people.
> I was looking at both 4.3 and 4.9 versions, learning about the new API
> to plan the next step in Allegro.pas.
> I want to do a proposal about global variables. The old API has some
> of them (key, screen, font, key_shifts, etc.). When I wrote
> Allegro.pas I had a lot of problems with them and some should be
> translated onto "pointers to pointers of something". The hardest ones
> were the global arrays (key, fix_cos, fix_sin...). I don't know if
> other ports (python, D...) had same problems but if the new API will
> use access functions instead of global variables (you know "int
> get_key_shift (void);" and "void set_key_shift (int);" instead of
> "extern int key_shift;") they will be easer to port and I think it
> will add more stability to the library (check bounds, values and other
> possible problems).
> I see that the current "new API" don't use global variables (or I
> didn't see them). Did you discussed this issue yet? Is there a
> decision about this?
> I hope you understood my proposal.

There will be no global variables in Allegro 5 as far as I understand,

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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