Re: [AD] 4.3.10plus build system

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On Thu, 2007-12-27 at 10:26 +1100, Peter Wang wrote:
> On 2007-12-26, Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > 
> > On Wed, 2007-12-26 at 10:26 +0100, Milan Mimica wrote:
> > > Next I'm planning to add is loadpng and jpgalleg. Any objections?
> > > 
> > 
> > jpgalleg is not maintained and broken on 64-bit system from what I
> > remember - so I'd say don't bother with it.
> I sent a patch to Angelo for 64-bit systems a while ago, so at least
> that part is easy to fix.  The lack of an additional dependency is quite
> nice (for Windows users).

Took me less than a minute to find and install them (at least with

>  There used to be files that jpgalleg wouldn't
> load, but I think that's no longer a problem?

I don't think I've ever encountered such files with the latest version -
but see my earlier reply. (I.e. if dependencies would be more important
than robustness and performance, we also should prefer alpng over

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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