[AD] Sound stutters when I switch out (Windows)

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I've discovered that the digital sound stutters whenever I switch my app out (be it to the taskbar or to the background). I suspect the sound-buffer is continuously looping. This happens regardless of whether I'm running the app fullscreen or windowed. This happens in the Allegro Demo Game as well as my program. I tried writing my own switch-out callback that manually stop_sample()'s all the sounds but this still does not solve the problem. MIDIs however do manage to silence themselves.

I am using Allegro 4.2.2. This happens in Windows 2000 as well as Windows 98. The Allegro sound-driver used is AXA and the MIDI driver is W32M. My soundcard is a "SB Live! Value".

Here is a thread on Allegro.cc where I go into more detail and even include some sourcecode.


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