[AD] Documentation about new API

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Hello everybody.

Evert suggested me to join this list so here I am.

I worked in a wrapper for Pascal (allegro-pas.sourdeforge.net).
Current version is mostly stable and I'm thinking start working in
next version (4.9/5.0). I did download the 4.3 and the 4.9.2RC1 and
look at the examples and documentation and I don't agree with some
things about the new API, but before to discuss it I decided to ask
you about documents or messages where you decided how the new API will
be, which platforms and drivers will be supported and why you decided
that. I looked for it in the list but I can't find it. Can you help me
to find this documents (if they exists)? Once I read that
documentation I'll decide what I'll do.


Niunio Martinez

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