Re: [AD] Patch to remove insulting message in exkeys.c

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On Mon, 2007-10-01 at 17:33 +0200, Andrei Ellman wrote:
> The attatched patch changes the tone of the message exkeys.c responds 
> with when they fail to press F6 when they are supposed to.
> I made the patch to make using exkeys.c a nicer experience. While it is 
> a good thing for someone to not take too personally an insulting message 
> generated by an example program, sadly, not everyone out there thinks 
> that way. It is not the place of the Allegro development team to 
> encourage people to gain more exposure to the harsh realities that lie 
> 'out there'. And besides, no matter how funny an insulting message is, 
> it can eventually become annoying. Hopefully, the new message shoud be 
> non-insulting.

I agree. In fact, I proposed the very same change several years ago :)

Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>

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