Re: [AD] Small patch for test.c (version being used)

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> > Not sure.. I thought 4.2.2 was the last 4.2 (except that no_asm thing).

Well, the last one planned, sure. However, if we're going to do a bugfix 
4.2.3 release anyway, there's no reason not to include the other fixes we 
have as well - although I suppose that technically this isn't a bugfix.

> If we're going to release a 4.2.3 to fix the no_asm thing, we might as 
> well include this as well. For that matter, we should include the 
> wkeybd.c patch (that improves the key_shifts situation considerably) and 
> any other fixes that have cropped up since 4.2.2 was released.

As long as they apply cleanly to 4.2 SVN I agree. It shouldn't be too much 
work though, since that will detract from 4.3/4.9 development.
One thing I saw mentioned on ACC that should be fixed has to do with axes 
on gamepades being miscounted in Windows. I think there was a similar 
problem on the Mac where it was fixed, so someone with Windows should 
maybe take a look at this.


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