[AD] [dangerwillrobinsondanger@xxxxxxxxxx: Allegro Download is Wrong] |
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I'm away from my computer checking mail through a java ssh applet and
got this. Looks like I might have screwed something very badly uploading
the latest release. Can somebody verify this claim? I won't be with a
real computer or time in my hands for at least another week.
----- Forwarded message from John Joyce <dangerwillrobinsondanger@xxxxxxxxxx> -----
From: John Joyce <dangerwillrobinsondanger@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: gradha@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Allegro Download is Wrong
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 00:53:14 -0500
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.752.2)
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=Apple-Mail-1-988596957
Delivery-date: Fri, 14 Sep 2007 08:00:02 +0200
Hi webmaster for allegro,
The link:
from the page:
Is correct in that it downloads allegro-4.2.2.tar.gz
but the files are wrong!!
It decompresses as allegro-misc-4.2.0
Totally the wrong stuff!!
I'm on OS X so I needed the docs to install allegro properly.
with the files I got, I was kind of confused at first looking through
that little bit of stuff.
Luckily the SVN version is correct.
Please update the gz file to be the correct stuff.
You might also want to add the OS X install to your wiki pages.
There are lots of developers with MacBooks and MacBook Pros these days.
I'm personally interested in trying the library out and considering
starting a Ruby binding/wrapper for it, if it meets my expectations.
It seems ideally suited for some needs, but I may stick to SDL for
simplicity and cleaner docs.
John Joyce
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