[AD] Joystick bug on MacOS X (Allegro 4.2.1)

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I've written about a bug in the joystick code in the Mac sources at
http://www.allegro.cc/forums/thread/592349 . Attached to this mail is
a diff containing the changes I made to fix the bug. As you can see,
all I did was separating the HID_ELEMENT_STANDALONE_AXIS from the
other options, gave it JOYFLAG_UNSIGNED and removed JOYFLAG_DIGITAL to
make it consistent with what it returns when polling.

One issue is still unresolved. I discovered this bug because the
vertical axis of the right analogue stick on my gamepad is treated as
a standalone axis. It's still reported as such (unsigned), which leads
to some oddities. But as far as I can tell, that's not the fault of
Allegro. For all I know, it may even be a special issue with _my_
gamepad, and I can easily work around the issue in my game. (I'm doing
some conversion so all axis get treated as signed. That's what works
best for my game.)

I also wonder if not the analogue to digital converters should include
a small dead zone (checking for, say, >3 rather than >0 as the code
currently does).

(Finally a big thanks to all Allegro developers. Particularly those
that did the Mac port. I'm very glad that it's working now!)


Rikard Peterson

P.S. I'm not subscribed to this mailing list, so if you want a reply
to reach me, please CC to my mail or post at allegro.cc

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