Re: [AD] Allegro 4.2.2 released

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On 7/22/07, Peter Wang <novalazy@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
The source packages are up.  The web page is not updated yet and binary
packages aren't built yet.  I assume most people read or have
otherwise seen the change log so I won't post it again.

Files at

I uploaded binaries for MSVC 6, 7, 7.1, 8.0, MinGW, and DMC to I'll put them on SF as well.

The build/msvc6/Allegro directory is still missing the two project
files "Allegro - DLL.dsp" and "Allegro - Static.dsp". Maybe the spaces
in the filename messed up the packaging process? (MSVC 6 doesn't
support static and dynamic targets in the same project, so that's why
its the only version with the split projects.)

I took the liberty to add them to the and
allegro-4.2.2.tar.gz packages on the download page at If
it's not possible to replace the source files on SF, then just
uploading an additional zip with the complete build/msvc6 directory
would suffice.

Matthew Leverton

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