[AD] dmc build questions

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I created a makefile and platform file for the DMC compiler based on 4.2 SVN.


1) What is #define ALLEGRO_USE_CONSTRUCTOR for? I have it undefined
currently. (I had to undefine it to get MinGW to work as well.)

2) How do I stop the makefile from trying to build asmlock.s
(ALLEGRO_USE_C=1 is set)? I currently just removed it from the lst

Anyway, It's almost working. I didn't have to change any sources files
at all, but creating import libraries for DX was a pain.

It builds the DLL, but programs just crash when linked against it...
However, when running the exe against a MinGW built DLL, it works

dmc -c test.c -c -otest.obj -Iinclude -WD -mn
link test.obj,test.exe,,lib\dmc\alleg /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS

Ie, test.exe works when running against the MinGW DLL, but not against
the DMC DLL. I haven't tried to figure out why, hopefully it's nothing

Matthew Leverton

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