Re: [AD] [Win] Proposal

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Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
On Sunday 21 January 2007 3:22 pm, Evert Glebbeek wrote:

I've done the advertisement (on ACC) following a release once or twice, and
usually enough people are willing or interested in helping. The problem
is, they want something concrete to do then and there, which requires a
lengthy explanation of Allegro's internals and what needs to be done,
which someone has to write, which takes up a lot of time, which ends up
not being done.

To be honest, I was more talking about advertising for another admin, someone who's willing to get down and dirty and learn where allegro, and where its going. Someone who isn't afraid to help push allegro forward, and help design with regards to windows.

The three main platforms are different enough that they will have to assert some significant pressure on the overall design and layout of allegro, and without a Windows Allegro Guru (not just a dev) (hmm, WAG the dog? :D), I don't see that happening. Of course we'll want some plain old win devs as well, but a WAG will imo, be absolutely necessary.

I think that one thing that is putting new people off of working on
Allegro is that the sourcecode is not as elegant as it could be. By
that, I mean that there are very few code-comments and the variables are
poorly named.

Some time ago, a project to refactor the Allegro source was proposed ( ). I think that getting
someone (or a group of people) to beautify the Allegro source would be
an opportunity for them to learn about the internals of Allegro.
Ideally, the beautifying would be done by someone with good knowledge of
DirectX and Windows programming. By the time they've finished, they
should have enough knowledge to figure out for thmselves what needs to
be done (although it would help if they could see a list of outstanding
bugs and the proposals for the new API).

The refactoring could be done by several people. The advantage is that that way, it will be done quicker, and several people (who hopefully are also knowledgable at Windows programming) will have knowledge of Allegro's internals, but the disadvantage is that the knowledge will be too diluted and this may lead to the people not knowing enough about the internals.

Another idea is to post a list of outstanding WinAlleg bugs. Anyone wanting to become a Windows Allegro guru could make a start by attempting to fix the bugs and in the process, learning about the internals of Allegro.

Also, bearing in mind that a lot of people who use Allegro are trying to get into the games-industry, one idea would be for one of the existing Allegro Gurus to offer to give someone a reference if they become a Windows Allegro Guru. Being one of the lead developpers of a thriving gaming-library used by thousands would look good on someone's Resume (CV). The only problem is that once they get their dream-job, they will have very little time to continue to work on Allegro, and we'll be back at square one again.

Allegro is developped purely as a hobby. Many hardcore hobbyist
programmers tend to use Linux. People who develop software for Windows tend to be more pragmatic - that is, they focus more on the projects themselves rather than hacking the libraries. The more likely they are to want to be interested in developing Allegro, the more likely they are to switch to Linux. On the other hand, a lot of professional programmers code for Windows. If we could convince one of these to work on Allegro in their spare time, we'd have someone who is very experienced with the Windows platform.


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