Re: [AD] [Win] Proposal

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On 2007-01-21, Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> 3) What goals do we set for 4.3.1? I think a working grahhics system, even 
> if it only works through X11 or OpenGL is ok to start with, more can be 
> added in later, and I personally think we can make API changes along the 
> 4.3 branch to the new API; it's in a state of flux anyway (but this is a 
> debatable standpoint).
> 4) What target release date should we set for 4.3.1? I feel it should not 
> be too distant, but not too soon either (we need time to get work done, or 
> in my case get back into doing work on Allegro on a regular basis). What 
> about April/May? That's about six months after 4.3.0, which seems 
> reasonable.

What about a quick 4.3.1 in about a month's time, and leave whatever
else for 4.3.2?  I would like the code in SVN at the moment to get some
decent testing on Windows and Mac, so we can be fairly sure of it.
Any other work planned can continue concurrently so it wouldn't hold
anything up.


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