Re: [AD] Does somebody have a 4.3.0 chm?

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On Sat, 2006-12-09 at 21:41 +0100, Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:
> I've updated the documentation page with pregenerated versions of the
> documentation and I'm missing a chm for 4.3.0. Can somebody make one
> and upload it or point me somewhere to fetch it?

Basically, 4.3.0 is too much in a WIP state. And, I'm not sure, but I
think most if not all of the new functions aren't documented yet. One
likely reason for that is that we decided do drop the current ._tx
documentation, or at least I seem to remember something in that
direction. (Although due to lack of working alternatives, I'm not sure
what will happen.. maybe we should try to revive makedoc after all,
tjaden's latest Haskell-XML Version seemed quite nice, and Tomasu and me
had an almost working XSLT or something version.)

In any case, I'd say, we should not upload documentation for 4.3.0 at
this point (does 4.3.0 even work under OSX?)

Elias Pschernig

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