Re: [AD] svn on sourceforge

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darnit, i had the wrong link in my paste buffer again( stupid x11! ). the right link is

but the penny-arcade link is funny none-the-less.

Jon Rafkind wrote:
I just saw this announcement on sourceforge about svn.

On November 31, 2006 the access method for Subversion changed. This document reflects those changes. The old method had numerous problems, including spurious 50x error messages and other issues that kept it from functioning fully. This newly documented access method solves many, if not all of the issues with the old mechanism.

Users of the old method ( should switch to the new access method ( using these steps:

   1. Make a copy of your local working copy.
   2. Run 'svn info' at the root of the repository content, it should
      display a line that appears similar to: URL:
   3. Run the following command at the root of the working copy: svn
      switch --relocate

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