Re: [AD] Money

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On 11/29/06, Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
This means, donations should work from this moment on, and flow to
Ryan's paypal account - in case we will get any, that is :)

The next thing to discuss is what to do with donations. Some
discussion has already taken place at

Ideally, anybody can bring forward ideas of what to do with available
funding and it will be discussed here. However, I want to make it
clear that while I am in control of the funding, I will do only what
the majority of the Allegro project administrators as listed on
SourceForge vote to do.

So. Ideas?

Presently expressed ideas are:
- putting up a list of bounties/payment for coding tasks
- buying hardware or software for development on
- reserving money for contest prizes (SpeedHack)
- saving for a real-life meeting
- buying a domain name
- presenting Matthew Leverton with a donation as thanks for running

Personally, I think the domain name idea is best. It's a simple goal
to achieve and can make the library seem more professional, and easier
to spread via word-of-mouth. Although the real-life meeting sounds
very useful, I think it's too expensive for this organization to

Those two aside, I really prefer the hardware idea, and then the bounty idea.

The present balance on the Allegro account is $51.50.

Ryan Patterson <mailto:cgamesplay@xxxxxxxxxx>

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