Re: [AD] Bug with transparent ellipses

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On Sun, 2006-09-03 at 18:41 -0400, Jon Rafkind wrote:
> That works, but needs to be done for the 15/16/24/32 blenders as well. I
> started to do it but quickly realized there are a bunch of macros to
> take care of. I think 8 bit needs this too.
> #define MAKE_DTS_BLENDER()     color_map
> #define MAKE_PS_BLENDER()      color_map
> #define MAKE_DLS_BLENDER(a)    (color_map->data[(a) & 0xFF])
> And of course the macro you fixed MAKE_PP_BLENDER. At this point would
> it just be easier to set a default color_map/blender? I realize this is
> a fundamental change but I dont see what harm could come from it.

Yeah, ideally, would assert against all cases where color_map or
_blender_func_* are accessed. 

I also can see no harm of setting defaults, but I think, as we already
have 100ds of asserts, for similar things, it would be more consistent
to also add asserts here. For 4.3, I strongly would prefer defaults
though.. as I said, I consider the 4.2 way here very bad design.

Also, modifying a few #defines like above is probably less likely to
break something so short before the release than providing default
blenders - but it might actually be the other way around.

Elias Pschernig

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