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On Monday 28 August 2006 3:32 pm, Milan Mimica wrote:
> Hello!
> I have just finished the ALSA driver for the new sound API and mixer
> code written by Chris. It seems to work fine, both for streaming and
> nonstreaming sources. It was a fun thing to do. More testing will be
> necessary, of course.
> You can download files at http://www.riteh.hr/~mmimica/allegro-alsa.zip
404 :(
> File list:
> app.c - An example application of how the users code should look like
> allegro.h - allegro header stub
> alunix.h - unix specific defines
> sound.h - user-included sound defines
> internal.h - allegro-included sound defines
> mutex.c, mutex.h - allegro's mutex code replacement
> digi.c - platform independent sound code and mixer code
> alsa.c - driver code
> It shouldn't be hard to integrate it to allegro, but I'd rather wait
> until we sort out vtables, headers visibility and other basic things.
> Changes to the platform independent API are minor:
> - I had to add AL_AUDIO_ENUM_LAST to AL_AUDIO_ENUM so that I can define
> driver specific options (AL_ALSA_MIXER_DEVICE in this case)
> - a function to get audio driver was kind a missing so I added
> AL_AUDIO_DRIVER *al_get_audio_driver(int digi_driver);. Not saying that
> it should be done this way, I did it just to have a clean example
> application.
> Currently, ALSA driver supports only one hardware voice. It shouldn't be
> hard to rewrite it for multiple voices but I have no idea how to do
> that. Multiple snd_pcm_open? I have an integrated sound card with stereo
> speakers, so can't test multichannelness.
> Yet to be done:
> There are some lines marked with "TODO". Nothing special, mostly error
> reporting code to be enabled when integrated into allegro.
> Thread pthread_create/pthread_join functions should be replaced with
> _al_thread_create/_al_thread_join.
> The example app depends only on pthreads and alsa. Can be compiled like
> this: gcc alsa.c app.c digi.c mutex.c -oapp -Wall -lasound -lpthread -g0
> -O2
> About other drivers, are we going to drop alsa5, arts, jack and esd? I
> think only OSS would be interesting.
alsa5 should die, it was kept arround for BeOS or QNX, one of the two, but
their version of alsa has diverged quite a bit from alsa 0.5. Jack would be
nice, but esd and arts can die (a horrible horrible death) as well.
Thomas Fjellstrom