Re: [AD] new ALSA driver

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On Monday 28 August 2006 14:32, Milan Mimica wrote:
> - a function to get audio driver was kind a missing so I added
> AL_AUDIO_DRIVER *al_get_audio_driver(int digi_driver);

Probably the best thing to do, IMO, would be to have:
AL_AUDIO_DRIVER **al_get_audio_driver_list();
which would make/return a NULL-terminated array of all existing audio drivers.
And then have:
AL_AUDIO_DRIVER *al_get_audio_driver(const char *name, AL_AUDIO_DRIVER 
which would search the list for a driver with the specified name (if you pas 
NULL, it would get the list automatically). So an example would be:

drv_list = al_get_audio_driver_list();
drv = al_get_audio_driver("alsa", drv_list);
   printf("No alsa driver!\n");

drv = al_init_audio_driver(drv);

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