Re: [AD] new ALSA driver

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On Monday 28 August 2006 4:34 pm, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
> On Monday 28 August 2006 4:27 pm, Thomas Fjellstrom wrote:
> > On Monday 28 August 2006 4:18 pm, Milan Mimica wrote:
> > > On 28/08/06, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > > > Also can you provide a audio file that'll work?
> > >
> > > Any wav file should work, just the app.c has to be modified to use the
> > > mixer... I reuploaded the whole thing, with a wav file.
> >
> > Very nice. CPU usage was very minimal.
> Oh, I just made a small modification, this now works:
> $ oggdec -o - file.ogg | ./app -
> though I cheated, just opened /dev/stdin, instead of properly disabling
> buffering, and then using stdin instead of opening a file.

D'oh, that wont work anyway, the wav file isn't streamed.

Thomas Fjellstrom

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