Re: [AD] multiple windows |
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- To: Coordination of admins/developers of the game programming library Allegro <alleg-developers@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [AD] multiple windows
- From: Elias Pschernig <elias@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 16:04:16 +0200
On Wed, 2006-08-16 at 23:18 +1000, Peter Wang wrote:
> After the discussions on the alleg-bigfive list, the keyboard event
> source was decided to be global. Otherwise if you have N windows and M
> input devices, you need to keep track of N*M event sources. There is a
> field in the AL_EVENT structure which tells you which window was in
> focus at the time the event was generated.
Doesn't it make more sense to have them separate? I might want to have
two different event handlers for my different windows (e.g. a game
window and a console window). So I would have an event queue for the
game window, and one for the console window.
My main program probably would do something like:
If both get the events of both, and I need to filter them out by the
event.window member, that seems to not make too much sense.
If I have N windows (in 99% N is 1) then I would expect to handle N*M
event sources. But I don't remember the discussion you mention, what was
the reason to merge them into one global queue?
> >
> > Does it all make sense? So basically, xwin.c in 4.2 is not executed by
> > allegro_init(), but by each al_create_dispay().
> Not sure what you mean by that.
Well, we have two windows to handle, so each has to do its own
XNextEvent. Do we still need a background thread in 4.3 btw?
> For example, at least the compatibility
> layer should be able to 'install_keyboard' before 'set_gfx_mode', and
> even in the new API it would be nice to do that.
Yes, the compatibility layer could create an initial dummy AL_DISPLAY in
Elias Pschernig