Re: [AD] multiple windows

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> I'm just playing around with a minimal display driver for the new API,
> and it works like this:
> AL_DISPLAY *display1 = al_create_display(640, 480, AL_WINDOWED);
> AL_DISPLAY *display2 = al_create_display(640, 480, AL_WINDOWED);
> Will give me two independent windows.
> It works like this:
> al_create_display() uses the system_driver to get a list of available
> display drivers, e.g. the X11 driver, and creates an AL_DISPLAY with
> that driver. The display driver will create a new window with an event
> loop. To get e.g. keyboard events, you would do something like:
> AL_KEYBOARD *keyboard1 = al_get_keyboard(display1)
> AL_KEYBOARD *keyboard2 = al_get_keyboard(display2)
> Then if you simply want to read keys from any window, you do:
> AL_EVENT_QUEUE *queue =  al_create_event_queue();
> al_register_event_source(queue keyboard1);
> al_register_event_source(queue keyboard2);
> AL_EVENT event;
> al_get_next_event(queue &event);
> Does it all make sense?

It's about what was intended, yes.


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