Re: [AD] object oriented AL_SYSTEM

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What would the system object be used for? (from the Allegro user's
point of view)

There will only be one instance of it (unless we can see a need for
multiple independent Allegro systems running in the same app?) and it
shouldn't be a global variable (for DLL/.so linking issues)

Then say we wanted the OS name, the user's code could be
// Option 1
const char* os = al_get_os_name();
// Option 2
AL_SYSTEM* sys = al_get_system();
const char* os = sys->os_name;

The former style has more flexibility* but more impact on the namespace.


* i.e. it can return things that are not just simple properties.
Writing accessor functions like
AL_SYSTEM* sys = al_get_system();
const char* os = al_get_os_name(sys);
would seem to be unnecessary if there's only one system object -
option 1 would suffice.

On 8/27/06, Thomas Fjellstrom <tfjellstrom@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Saturday 26 August 2006 4:12 am, Elias Pschernig wrote:
> How would a base structure like below look?
> {
>    ...variables + methods
> };
> struct AL_SYSTEM
> {
>    AL_SYSTEM_DRIVER *driver;
>    ... variables
> };
> ... for each driver XXX
> struct AL_SYSTEM_XXX
> {
>    AL_SYSTEM *system;
>    ... variables
> }
> They would all be internal and no members accessed by the user.
> The first struct would be just like the current SYSTEM_DRIVER - i.e. the
> "interface" or "vtable". We didn't decide yet what features we want from
> that (there's still
> ).
> The second struct would be an object to hold all the system specific
> global variables, e.g. things like the detected CPU capabilities and
> whatever else is now in global variables floating around.
> The last struct would be a driver specific version of AL_SYSTEM, which
> could be cast to it. It would be created somewhere in al_init, something
> like:
> AL_SYSTEM *_al_create_system(AL_SYSTEM_DRIVER *driver)
> {
>    system = driver->create_system(driver);
>    ... initialize platform independent stuff in system
>    return system;
> }
> And driver->create_system might be:
> AL_SYSTEM *_al_create_system_x11(AL_SYSTEM_DRIVER *driver)
> {
>    AL_SYSTEM_X11 *system = _AL_MALLOC(sizeof *system);
>    ... initialize driver specific stuff in system
>    return (AL_SYSTEM *)system;
> }
> The advantage I see in it is that we don't need internal global
> variables floating around so much. Especially under X11, the _xwin
> struct could go into the created AL_SYSTEM_X11 object.

I think it should go something like:

struct AL_SYSTEM {

struct AL_SYSTEM_FOO {
        AL_SYSTEM base;

AL_SYSTEM_FOO can now be cast as a AL_SYSTEM just fine, and AL_SYSTEM_FOO can
add anything it wants.

Thomas Fjellstrom

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