Re: [AD] 4.3 display update methods

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> > Looking at the update method flags for the display, I see that they
> > are 'implementations' – i.e. double buffer, triple buffer etc.

Names are mostly intended as place holders and can be changed.
However, I do think things should be as easy as possible for the end user 
(obviously, thecurrent implementation is pretty close to what I find easy 
to use myself).

> I think it would be best to not give the user an option at all. Bob made 
> interesting point once about OpenGL drivers that might need to change the 
> display update method on the fly, and the same could be true for Allegro. 
> Allegro should just pick the best (performing) update method given what 
> its in and with the user is doing. Similar to OpenGL, just have an 
> accessible 'front' buffer and a 'back' buffer, and let the user pick 
which to 
> draw to.. this way, they can choose to implement dirty rectangles by 
> directly to the front buffer and not needing to flip, or they can stay 
> buffered and flip every completed frame.

Could do.


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