Re: [AD] OpenGL

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--- Kirk Black <runesabre@xxxxxxxxxx> escreveu:

> I'm developing a commercial cross-platform MMO game that uses Allegro
> for
> the client on Windows, Mac and Linux.
> The Windows client graphics are rendered as smooth as glass when the
> character moves around the screen.  Even on a Win98 machine I built 8
> years
> ago, the game runs very smoothly and looks beautiful.


> Unfortunately, the Mac and Linux client graphics are not nearly as
> smooth
> looking.  The frame rate is plenty fine ( I'm getting over 200+ fps
> on Linux
> ), but, the screen still looks fuzzy when scrolled; I assume due to
> the fact
> that Linux or Mac Allegro don't support hardware page flipping.

Are you relying in native support hardware page flipping!? (I know,
this is not the point here, just an observation).

> Will the new Allegro provide true hardware page flipping on Mac or
> Linux?

If someone could implement it... :)

> It would also be nice to know at runtime what Allegro features are
> truly
> implemented versus just emulated (like video bitmaps or
> show_video_bitmap).
> Emulation is nice, but, often times doesn't produce the results you
> were
> expecting.  

I completelly agree.

> Knowing at runtime what features are real versus emulated allows me
> to build
> a client that is able to dynamically respond on a per machine basis
> the best
> way to operate.  This helps immensely in releasing a product that
> "just
> works" on every customer's computer without clunky config options and
> forcing the customer to have to figure out the best way to configure
> their
> installation.

Sure, and this helps to support and troubleshoot problems encountered.
Not just in the end-products (games), but in Allegro itself. Knowing
that A is native, B is emulated and C is partially emulated, would ease
the task to support and debug the allegro library.

> Kirk Black
> President / Owner
> Family Time! Interactive, L.L.C.
> Mobile: 512.771.5762
> Email: runesabre@xxxxxxxxxx

Victor Williams Stafusa da Silva


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