Re: [AD] Problem with debug version and install_allegro autodetection macro

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This can happen to anyone, is there a mechanism to prevent this from happening ?

such as  allegro_init(ALLEGRO_VERSION);

or something..

Grzegorz Adam Hankiewicz wrote:
On 2006-05-26, Peter Wang <tjaden@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi, this was a bug in 4.2.0.  Programs compiled with 4.2.0 but
running with 4.2.1 (SVN) should not crash now.  I'm not sure about
debug mode, but we don't really support binary compatibility for
debug mode anyway.

Cool. I realised later I was trying to load a 4.2.1 debug lib from
a 4.2.0 release binary. Crazy me.

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