Re: [AD] bugfix for files > 2GB under unix

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Evert Glebbeek wrote:

> > I changed it to use that #define instead of stat64.
> My manpage doesn't mention that define (it's older than Chris' manpage 
> though).
> Can someone please check that nothing was broken by this patch and that it 
> works correctly for their system? I'll do that myself for my system when I 
> have a good test programme.

If I understand correctly, that define changes ALL file system calls
in your program to use the 64 bits functions, e.g. fopen() will be
silently changed into fopen64().  I'm not sure what that means for
binary compatibility, but it hasn't caused any problems for me so far.
You may want to check if that define extends into the user's program
as well through allegro.h (even though I don't think it would have any
adverse effects).  If you want to keep it allegro-only you can always
specify it as a -D option in the makefile.

Hein Zelle

 Unix is user friendly. It's just very particular about who 
 it's friends are.

 Hein Zelle                     hein@xxxxxxxxxx

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