Re: [AD] replace xlock/xunlock with synchronized{}

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On 2006-04-05, Jon Rafkind <workmin@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Would anyone be opposed to replacing all the XLOCK()/XUNLOCK() blocks in 
> the x11 code of Allegro with a #define'd syntax that does the same 
> thing, with preferably the same name as java's sychnronization keyword 
> 'synchronized' ?
> Basically do this
> #define synchronized for ( XLOCK(); XUNLOCK(); /**/ )


> and then instead of
> int _xwin_create_window(void)
> {
>   int result;
>   XLOCK();
>   result = (*_xwin_window_creator)();
>   XUNLOCK();
>   return result;
> }
> would be
> int _xwin_create_window(void)
> {
>   int result;
>   synchronized{
>       result = (*_xwin_window_creator)();
>    }
>   return result;
> }
> Yes I use Java a lot these days and I find this very clean. Plus it 
> would prevent the mistake of forgetting to use XUNLOCK() occasionally.

Unfortunately there is the risk of incorrect but seemingly correct code
like this:

    synchronized {
	if (foo) {
	    return 1;

For a while I was writing mutex lock/unlock pairs as


which I think is more transparent.


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