Re: [AD] Problem with key_shifts on Windows.

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which OS, allegro version, compiler, etc.. ? fullscreen or windowed and the driver (as listed on the top of exkeys when you run it) ? keyb driver.. in device manager, under Keyboards.. mine says "Standard 101/102-Key or MS Natural PS/2 Keyb" ? in accessability options (control panel), keyb tab.. are any of those ticked ?

i tried /examples/exkeys in fullscreen mode (DirectInput driver) on WinXPsp1 msvc7 built...
and my standard 101 keyb's  Alt-GR  did NOT  show any control key weirdness.

Victor wrote:
I confirmed that. In exkeys, when i pressed the ALT GR key, the Left
control got a keypress too. This could stuck the Esc key too.
I'm in Windows 2000 with a ABNT2 brazilian keyboard.

Victor Williams Stafusa da Silva

--- Andrei Ellman <ae-a-alleg@xxxxxxxxxx> escreveu:

aj wrote:
 > can these problems be demonstrated/or not  in the
/examples/exkeys.exe ?

I just tried exkeys.exe (only under Windows 2000) and at first, the problem does not appear. However, on closer inspection of the code, the bit where it tests the key_shifts variable is immediately preceded by a ureadkey(NULL); I tried adding readkey(NULL) to my example program,

and although it now stops and waits for a regular key (letter,
number, etc) to be pressed before reading key_shifts, when I press a regular key, the key_shifts variable is updated with the correct state of the

shift-keys. From this, I conclude that the windows version only
updates key_shifts when a regular key is pressed, but the DOS version keeps key_shifts in sync with the state of the keyboard. If exkeys.exe had a portion where it just displayed the key_shifts variable without waiting for readkey(), then the problem will be demonstrated.

A manifestation of the problem where ESC does not work when the CTRL/ALT keys are 'stuck' in exkeys.exe is where I cannot press ESC to continue unless I press some other key first.

Also, in exkeys, when I press ALT-GR, in the table of keys on the
right of the screen, it says I've pressed both ALT-GR and CTRL when I've not pressed CTRL. If CTRL is held down, the values for both ALT-GR and CTRL are correct. However, if I hold down RCONTROL when I'm holding down ALT-GR, then the indicator for CTRL becomes un-set, although if I'm holding down all 3 keys at once, the indicators are at their correct values. None of this happens with the regular ALT key.

I have a UK keyboard. According to the Windows Input-locales section
of the regional options applet, the input-language is "English (United Kingdom)", and the Keyboard layout / IME is "United Kingdom".

BTW. I added the following lines inside the main loop of my test


and the results are still the same - even if I get rid of the if and just call poll_keyboard()


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