[AD] error compiling allegro lastest version

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I had the following problems with the latest allegro when compiling for Windows XP with bcc32 and GNUmake:
C:\ALLEGRO>set bcc32dir=c:\bcc32
Compiling Allegro for BCC32, optimised. Please wait...
echo LIBRARY     alleg42.dll > _allegro.def
      copy _allegro.def + lib\bcc32\allegro.def _allegr2.def
      implib lib\bcc32\alleg.lib _allegr2.def
      del _allegro.def
      del _allegr2.def
        1 file(s) copied.
Borland Implib Version 3.0.22 Copyright (c) 1991, 2000 Inprise Corporation
Name: '_allegr2' Ext: '.dll' Base: 0x00000000
Name: 'alleg42.dll' Ext: '.dll' Base: 0x00000000
bcc32 -w-8060 -O2 -OS -q -W -I. -I./include -c -oobj\bcc32\alleg\dibgrab.obj tests\win\dibgrab.c
Error E2194: Could not find file 'testswindibgrab.c'
MAKE: *** [obj/bcc32/alleg/dibgrab.obj] Error 1
Any suggestions where to look to correct the problem?
Thanks in advance,

Jaime Bobbio

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