Re: [AD] Windows unicode filename support

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On Wednesday 19 April 2006 21:34, Victor wrote:
> Can we use wchar_t?

wchar_t is a wide-char (2 bytes), and thus wouldn't be compatible with 
non-UTF-16 modes (and I'm not sure it's standard, either). Personally I 
prefer UTF-8, which is stored in normal char arrays and is compatible with 
ASCII-7. AFAIK, there are also no standard routines to deal with UTF-16 data, 
either.. so everything from printf, to vsnprintf, to strcat, to strncasecmp, 
would all have to be reimplemented (granted Allegro does some of this, but 
you can still use UTF-8 and most of the standard text functions without them 
(or Allegro at all)).

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