Re: [AD] Problem with key_shifts on Windows.

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aj wrote:
i know its a bit annoying, but can you modify /examples/exkeys.c to GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED and try the tests again, also GFX_AUTODETECT (fullscreen) and do the tests again..

I've run exkeys.exe with GFX_AUTODETECT changed to GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED , and also the original exkeys.exe (fullscreen). So far, I've only tested this on Windows 2000

- OS

Windows 2000 (SP4 + SP4 Rollup 1 + latest patches)

- allegro version

4.2.0 - compiled with gcc 3.4.4 (Cygwin)

- fullscreen or windowed and the driver (as listed on the top of exkeys when you run it)

fullscreen and windowed:
Driver: DirectInput keyboard

- keyb driver.. in device manager, under Keyboards.. mine says "Standard 101/102-Key or MS Natural PS/2 Keyb"

Standard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natrual PS/2 Keyboard

- in accessability options (control panel), keyb tab.. are any of those ticked ?

None of these are ticked.

I've done the tests. The results were basically the same as what I mentioned in my previous email.

Like the last time, pressing CTRL, releasing CTRL and then pressing ESC does not register the press of the ESC key. However, pressing ESC while CTRL is held down switches focus away from the app and brings up the start menu. When I switch back to the app (with ESCAPE not pressed), it scrolls through all the "Press ESC to continue" messages and then exits as if the ESCAPE key was held down continuously (although this behaviour is probably due to the release of ESC not being registered while the app was switched out). I've tried this in both windowed and fullscreen, and the same results are produced.

Also, when I press ALT+SPACE the app continuously prints the message "readkey() returned 19200 (0x4B00)". This happens despite the app not losing focus. While this is going on, the indicator for the SPACE key on the right remains on (the indicator for the ALT key is updated correclty though). However, if I press another regular key, the app just prints the scancode and stops the continuous scrolling of messages. Also, If I change focus to another app, the indicator for SPACE turns off and the scrolling stops (even when I switch back to the app). If I press SPACE on it's own, I get "readkey() returned 19232 (0x4B20)". Again, the behaviour is identical under both windowed and fullscreen.

control-esc and alt-esc are trapped by win32, i dont know you can do much about that.

Fair enough. However, I think there should be a warning in the docs mentioning that you cannot use the CTRL-ESC combination under Windows, and using it on other platforms will mean that the app will produce unexpected results when CTRL-ESC is pressed when ported to Windows. In fact, there should be a listing somewhere of the forbidden key-combos.

Anyway, exkeys.exe is not a particularly good example to demonstrate the problem of the stuck SHIFT/CTRL/ALT keys (which is what prompted me to report this behaviour in the first place). For that, there is the test-program I posted earlier. I've tried this in both Windowed and fullscreen, and the problem is demonstrated in both W2K and W98.


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