Re: [AD] Bug when attempting to set GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED in the DOS version of Allegro.

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Andrei Ellman napsal(a):
When I run the following line from a program compiled with the DOS version of Allegro 4.2 (compiled with DJGPP):

set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED, 640, 480, 0, 0); the program has been known to crash with a SIGILL error (illegal instruction). My guess is that because on DOS there are no windowed modes, the pointer in some vtable or other is set to a dodgy address.

If there are no windowed modes available on the platform, then the set_gfx_mode function should just return gracefully with it's usual failiure-code.

It behaves exactly like that, either you are doing something wrong or the bug is elsewhere (tested with latest SVN 4.2)


ICQ# 175762750

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