Re: [AD] Is there a licensing reason why PNG isn't built-in to Allegro?

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On 3/28/06, Chris <chris.kcat@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On Tuesday 28 March 2006 01:56, Peter Hull wrote:
> Bear in mind, that whereas you need autotools to create the configure
> script, you don't need autotools to run it. So, someone wanting to build
> Allegro from source would not need anything additional due to autotools (he
> would still need make, gcc, ... of course)

No, but they'd need a BASH shell, which Windows doesn't come with. It also
becomes difficult to do non-standard actions in a build system like that
(since in the end, configure and make and all just work off of what tools the
system building the package has, which vary wildly between Windows and *nix).
It's also quite slow, and the files are archaic. The output is ugly and makes
it difficult to track if an error occurs. A lot of files are left around in
the directories that Autotools needs to properly work, but just become rather
unsightly to people that work around in the code.

A rule of thumb is, if you require Autotools, don't expect many Windows users.

I'd just stay away from auto* as much as possible, its scripts get outdated fairly quickly, the generated scripts get outdated even quicker due to massive m4/auto* api changes that happen every release.

If it were up to me, I'd look into Chris's cbuild setup. Its like programming, in a macro like language that makes a heck of alot more sense than m4, and its faster, and we know who to bug if theres an issue.

Thomas Fjellstrom

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