Re: [AD] PATCH: updated mprotect patch for allegro-4.2.1 which also work on Linux

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Hans de Goede wrote:
What the !@#$% MS idiots what were they thinking everyone uses long == 64 bits on 64 bit archs, so hey lets be microsoft lets do it different.

Technically, Microsoft's implementation is full C standard compliant. All you know about 'long' is that:

1) sizeof(long long) >= sizeof(long) >= sizeof(int)
2) LONG_MIN -2147483647 // -(^231 - 1)  (maximum value)
   LONG_MAX +2147483647 // 2^31 - 1     (minimum value)

Any other assumptions you make is at your own risk. C does not even guarentee 2's complement representation.

See the C standard, second, 6.2.5 and

'long long' is the only C basic type that requires at least 64-bit of storage (but not strictly so).

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