Re: [AD] Nokia 770 support patch

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Kirk Black wrote:

This is excellent!
On a similar note, are there plans to get Allegro working on Windows Mobile?

Well, I have Nokia 770, but don't have a Windows Mobile device. So if a
port to Windows Mobile is going to be started, there is little that I
can help :) In addition, port to Windows Mobile will most likely require
a lot more work. Nokia 770 is a PDA with a mostly normal *desktop*
version of linux. By the way, devices with a similar concept of having
non-crippled OS, but powered by Windows XP will also appear soon. Search
for UMPC and Origami. And they will be probably able to run Allegro out of the box :)

Though porting Allegro to Nokia 770 and GP2X will surely help to
eliminate most of ARM-specific problems, and make the work of porting to
Windows Mobile easier for anyone who would like to start such port.

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