Re: [AD] Improvements for OpenBSD

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Catatonic Porpoise wrote:
Evert Glebbeek <eglebbk@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On Monday 06 February 2006 23:18, Catatonic Porpoise wrote:
Hello, attached is a patch that makes the following improvements:

* Call mprotect() on generated stretcher code before running it.
  OpenBSD protects memory pages returned from malloc() from being
  executed by default, so this is required for stretch_blit() to not
  segfault, on i386.
* Add an OSTYPE_OPENBSD define and detect it.
* Fix a warning in src/unix/uesd.c.
Looks good. I'll apply it later today.

Ping. I notice this is still not in the allegro-4.2 svn branch...


Ah, good catch this explains why I've reports of allegro programs crashing when using 32 bit binaries on 64 bit archs (x86_64 has seperate executable permissions).

Please apply this for 4.2.1 I (we) need this for Fedora too.



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