RE: [AD] Solution to compiling ACE networking with Allegro

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My apologies and thanks for the heads up.

Kirk Black

-----Original Message-----
From: alleg-developers-admin@xxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:alleg-developers-admin@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Jon
Sent: Saturday, March 18, 2006 7:35 PM
To: alleg-developers@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [AD] Solution to compiling ACE networking with Allegro

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Kirk Black wrote:

>A few months ago, I emailed I was having a problem getting the ACE network
>library compiling properly with Allegro on a Windows platform.  ACE and
>Allegro worked well on Linux and MAC OS X, but, not on Windows which forced
>me to implement an alternate winsock implementation specifically for my
>Windows Allegro application.
>I recently finally figured out how to get the two to compile and work
>together on Windows and thought I would share the solution to all here in
>the event someone else decides to do a cross-platform networked game.
>1. When creating your Windows Allegro project, you have to build with the
>following compiler preprocessor defines for both Debug and Release build
>2. Additionally you have to define the following preprocessor define when
>building for a Release target.  This solves a thread compiling problem with
>	_WIN32_WINNT=0x0400
>3. Supply a WinMain function as your program starting point rather than a
>	int WINAPI WinMain( HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance,
>LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nCmdShow )
>	{
>		// your normal main() code
>	}
>4.  You do not specify an END_OF_MAIN() macro at the end of your WinMain()
>5. For cross-platform compiling, simply surround your WinMain with #if
>defined WIN32 and your usual END_OF_MAIN() macro with #if !defined
>If you are interested in adding cross-platform network capability to your
>program, you can check out the ACE library here.  
>I can verify that it works well on Windows, Linux and MAC OS X.  The
>also comes with other nifty cross-platform tools that might interest you
>such as a portable hash map implementation, SSL connections and portable
>threading interface among many other things.
>If you are new to networking, there is an 'ok' book to get your started
>ACE specifically which I personally used for getting started.  It covers
>basic network concepts and how you can implement your own networking
>applications with decent examples specifically using ACE.  I already had a
>pretty good grasp of general networking so I simply wanted the book to read
>about how to use ACE for my application.  I'm not sure how good this book
>for someone completely new to network programming.
>I have to warn that ACE is much more than a simple portable network
>interface.  It comes with very high level frameworks called TAO and CIAO
>that are intended to be used to completely abstract away network
>for large applications.  Hence why I only give the book mentioned above ass
>'ok'.  The book quickly goes from basic networking and implementation to
>building applications with TAO and CIAO which I personally had no need for.
>With that said, the basic ACE libraries are good at handling the typical
>network nitty gritty one would deal with when creating a basic network
>sockets application.  Don't get lost in the TAO and CIAO stuff. :)
>Hope this was useful to someone.
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