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I'd like to know if someone is actually working on the new pointer
API, and if there's anything I can do to help (not sure I can, but
I've got time and I _really_ need it :)
I also have a couple of suggestions about it (sorry if these have been
discussed yet, I didn't find anything in the drafts) :
- a 'keyboard modifiers' field in AL_POINTER_EVENT : things like
CTRL+CLICK are often used in video games (and GUIs in general) and
just checking the keyboard state when the event is processed is not
acceptable. Maybe is it not absolutely necessary because we can
manually track the modifiers up/down events, but it would make that
kind of commonly used feature easier to implement. Finally, it does
not seem too hard to do or too expansive, am I wrong?
- multiple clicks handling : once again not absolutely necessary, but
would save some tricky work to the Allegro user. This could be either
a specific event type or a 'n_clicks' field in AL_POINTER_EVENT. It
also should be highly configurable to be really useful: click delay,
send each click or not, max number of clicks... and eventually
Thanks for any opinion about this...
Cédric Lucantis