Re: [AD] Allegro plug-in system (was: Is there a licensing reason why PNG isn't built-in to Allegro?)

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On Sat, 2006-03-25 at 19:43 -0300, Victor wrote:
> So we should get a plug-in system which comes with the standard
> plug-ins plugged on by default, so newbies won't need to struggle on
> how plug everything together. The experienced users could turn them
> on/off easily.
> About the DLL hell, we should think a way to workaround this. I have
> seven ideas:

If "DLL hell" is so bad, why do we provide modules under unix even now?
I think this always should stay as option.

The option to build everysthing static also should stay, I like it if
you can create a single huge .exe :)

Building just one DLL probably isn't hard either, just need a
plugin-aware mechanism in the build process.

Elias Pschernig

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