[AD] Documentation bug

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The example for stretch_sprite() appears to be wrong. Fix follows.


Index: docs/src/allegro._tx
--- docs/src/allegro._tx	(revision 5704)
+++ docs/src/allegro._tx	(working copy)
@@ -6476,8 +6476,8 @@
       /* Create tunnel like effect. */
       for (step = 1; step < 16; step++) {
-	 int width = SCREEN_W / f;
-	 int height = SCREEN_H / f;
+	 int width = SCREEN_W / step;
+	 int height = SCREEN_H / step;
 	 stretch_sprite(screen, image, SCREEN_W / 2 - width / 2,
 			SCREEN_H / 2 - height / 2, width, height);

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