Re: [AD] Changes to aWiki

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> I think, in the original graphics API proposal, there is no clear
> distinction between AL_DISPLAY and AL_BITMAP. In my previous reply with
> the display state, it would be like this:

The current implementation in 4.3 makes a clear distinction between an 
AL_BITMAP and an AL_DISPLAY though. The DISPLAY is something that produces 
output (or generates input), a BITMAP does not. Drawing things on the DISPLAY 
works through a BITMAP that the DISPLAY tells you to draw on.

> AL_DISPLAY is a render target, i.e. anything you can draw to, be it
> "screen", part of a flipping chain, OpenGL, a texture, whatever.
> An AL_BITMAP would just be a representation of a 2D area of pixels.

I'm not sure I find that distinction illuminating... actually, I think I find 
it quite confusing.


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