Re: [AD] Changes to aWiki

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On Monday 20 February 2006 20:02, aj wrote:
> I hope you should never have to consider threads when doing things, even
> seasoned veterans get threading wrong, how can your average allegro user
> going to cope with threading issues.

Oh, you have to consider it. I suppose I should've reworded that (I took a 
good 15 to 20 minutes to put my thoughts together, so some things may be a 
bit off). What I mean is, Allegro itself doesn't have to worry about 
threading issues. All it really has to do is grab a mutex when a bitmap is 
selected, and release it when soemthing else is selected (as I understand it, 
grabbing a mutex isn't really that slow, unless something else is fighting 
for the same mutex; in which case its the users responsibility). The 
user/programmer does very much need to worry about threading when using it as 
always, just that its integrated into the bitmap/display selection scheme so 
they don't have to do it manually.

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