Re: [AD] NewAPI Poll

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I think the better questions to ask is: Will we later regret a state based API? Will we later regret not making it state based?

AllegroGL was somewhat painful to write because OpenGL is state based but Allegro is not. If Allegro were state based, AGL would be easier to write, but not all that much more - most of the difficulty is in dealing with the rest of the Allegro API, not which the current drawing target.

Personally, I don't care much. I'm pretty sure we can convert one into the other. I'm more worried about things like threads and various resource allocations on non-Windows platforms - I know very little about those. Someone with more experience should weigh in.

Elias Pschernig wrote:
On Tue, 2006-02-21 at 11:46 +0530, Karthik Kumar wrote:

KittyKat and I were having a discussion on the question if Allegro
must be state based (globally, like OpenGL) or not (like DirectX). I
thought it would be a good idea to judge this democratically.
Should Allegro be state based?

[+1 ] For the motion
[ 0 ] Neutral
[-1 ] Against

Please reply to this mail. Also, post your views in the existing
(Changes to aWiki) thread. No deadlines, but please make it a point to
cast your vote when you decide.

I assume, this poll is just "Should there be a global active
display/target surface/bitmap?" - and in that case, yes, I prefer that
right now, as I said. (I'm not for a completely state based API ala
OpenGL though - although maybe color could be a state.. must think about

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