Re: [AD] translucent fonts

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Very cute! This will only work for true and high colour fonts, right?
Some questions and one nit-picking:

Shouldn't there be a get_font_translucency() function? Right now, you can
do it by doing trans = set_font_trans(random); set_font_trans(trans); but
that's sortof ugly.

Am I correct in thinking that you could get the same effect without
changing Allegro by using a custom font vtable (I think you can)? If so,
would it be an idea to have a function that changes a FONT's vtable to a
`translucent_font' vtable? Just brainstorming here!

-   if (bitmap_color_depth(bmp) == 8) {
-      c = 255;
-   }
-   else {
-      c = makecol_depth(bitmap_color_depth(bmp), 255, 255, 0);
-   }
+   c = getpixel(bmp, 0, 0);
Does this break existing fonts? I think not because I think all fonts are
required to have an outline around the entire image already, but I'd like
to have that confirmed.


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