[AD] msvc makefile patch

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The attached patches update the makefile process in the following ways:

1) Adds an EMBED_MANIFEST define that automatically gets set if MSVC8
is being used with the (default) non-static C runtime.

2) Embeds the manifest for the DLL's automatically. Manifests for
other executables are not automatically embedded, but could be by
running the "misc\embedman.bat all" command or hacking the makefile
further... [embedman.bat is attached to a previous e-mail.]

3) Introduces six new names for the static C runtime version of
Allegro, as the lib/dll files are incompatible with the standard

4) Adds a INIT_CMD define that is executed under "msg" if it is set.

*** Some points that people may want to discuss before applying:

A) Naming convention of the static C runtime builds.

These are only built if the user defines STATICRUNTIME. Two
suggestions are: $(VERY_SHORT_NAME)srt and $(SHORT_VERSION)sr. The
former is what the patch uses. For example, it would create:
alsrt42.dll, alsrt.lib, alstr_s.lib, ... For most practical purposes,
only the static release version would ever be used. (alsrt_s.lib).

B) Whether INIT_CMD should exist, and if so, where should it really
go... With the inclusion of the new names for the static runtime
versions of MSVC, six new object folders need to be created. That's a
lot of junk that hardly anyone will use. So instead of creating dummy
folders, I set INIT_CMD to "mkdir" them on demand. It's executed under
the "msg" target since that appears to always be the first thing done.

Matthew Leverton

Attachment: makefile.all.diff
Description: Binary data

Attachment: makefile.vc.diff
Description: Binary data

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