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> >   Someone needs to fix pack_fopen_chunk(). 
> Apart from my above question, what would the proper fix be? I guess writing 
> to the temp directory would be ok ($TEMP or $TMP should work for that in 
> Windows as well as *NIX, right?), or writing to the same directory as the 

Yes, it should probably try both.

> I assume (but am too lazy to check) that this information is 
> stored in the PACKFILE struct?

It looks like it (struct _al_normal_packfile_details), but I haven't
checked if it's the absolute path or what.

> >   In the meantime, I will apply a patch so at least dat and grabber will
> >   return a failure code rather than aborting.
> How about changing the active directory to the directory the PACKFILE is 
> in? Wouldn't that solve the problem?
> It's a nasty workaround, but I think it should work?

I think a proper fix along the lines of the above would actually be easier.


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