[AD] Problem with screen shearing on MAC OS X

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I've chosen Allegro as my gaming library for a project
I am building and I must say that Allegro has been
quite a joy to work with.  It works in a predictable
and robust fashion, the documentation is fabulous and
the feature set includes everything I need.  Excellent

I currently have my project working on Windows and
Linux.  Its a 2D client using a typical double
buffering scheme (triple buffering if the hardware is

This weekend, I bought a Mac Mini and ported my
project to MAC OS X 10.4.  The client works except
there is massive screen shearing.

The general flow of the client is as follows:

- Startup: allocate video bitmaps for double/triple
buffering and as well as allocate video bitmaps for
all art assets.
   a. Each video bitmap representing the screen is
further subdivided into a UI portion and a game map
portion using create_sub_bitmap.  The main graphics
loop blits using the sub-bitmap of the main video
bitmap that was allocated at startup.

- General Display Process:
   a. blit art onto the current video bitmap not being
   b. issue a show_video_bitmap()
(request_video_bitmap if triple buffering but the MAC
I have doesn't appear to support it)
   c. assemble next frame into next video bitmap
   d.  rinse and repeat.

I was really looking forward to having my project
running on Mac so its been somewhat of a bittersweet
occasion getting it to compile and execute but not in
a presentable fashion.

If there is anyone that could suggest something I
might be overlooking or quirks with Mac development
and Allegro, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thanks a lot!
Kirk Black

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